Thursday, November 04, 2010

THE INVISIBLE SIX –PACK…Good health isn’t skin-deep... !!!

THE INVISIBLE SIX –PACK…Good health isn’t skin-deep. The six essential organs under your bonnet and teaches you how to get the most from your engine. Total body conditioning isn’t that simple. Behind every great six-pack is a system of cogs, pumps and vital organs. To look great you need this internal component to be in mint condition. Here is highlighted how your key organs working to their maximum potential. Think of this as your tune-up.

What it does: Your body’s HQ is so complex an organ that to give a full account of its role would fill all pages. Suffice to say you wouldn’t get very far without it, not at least at the gym: every heart beat & biceps flex starts with an electrochemical signal sent by one of the 100 billion neuron in your brain. A sharper mind means greater reflex response.

Put This Test: Shut your eyes & lift one foot off the floor. The longer you can stand, better your brain is functioning. 28 seconds is good going for men aged 20 to 30, 23 seconds for ages 31 to 40; 15 seconds for ages 41 to 60. “This is a good test since balance is key gauge of cerebellar function.

Build to last: To keep your grey cells on their toes, head to the market without written list, try a visual memory. Link image to items you want to remember, say as Bipasha Basu Holding the milk in one hand, a loaf of bread in other, wearing a miniskirt of pasta… etc tec. As you tax your brain it performs better. If job demands leave no time to play, your brain will reap the rewards even if your limbs don’t.

What it Does:These airbags comes as standard & with extra high- tech built-in. the lungs primary function is to extract oxygen from air and exchange it for carbon dioxide and bacteria in your bloodstream. The more efficiently they function, the higher your energy levels, the lower your risk of airborne infection, and more toned you’ll be able to make your body as a result.

Put the Test: Lung function test come in two forms. First, the one where you have the job of inflating the balloons at kiddle party. Then there’s the more orthodox version: you can gauge your lungs’ strength with spirometer. Basically, you forcefully blow into a tube attached to a gauge. It is hand held detector that measures your Forced Expired Volume (FEV). This shows how well your lungs empty and refill and warns of problem like narrowing airways or asthma. For more comprehensive analysis, a VO2 Max test is best. It measures the rate at which oxygen is processed by the lungs.

Build to last: If your spirometer or VO2 max test show your lungs to be good working order, then make sure you keep them healthy. “Apples are an excellent source of protective compounds called flavanoids, which are absorbed by the body and help make lung tissue healthier. Also pay attention to keep the things clean, as increased risk of asthma.

What it does: This small gland performs range of functions and its failure comes at high price, literally, if your liver fails, you could be sustained for few days by liver dialysis, but it is more expensive than kidney dialysis. If you relish your healthy complexion then you’d do well to take care of it. A malfunctioning live ris unale to flush out waste products such as bilirubin, the orange pigment excreted in bile, eventually leading to jaundice and an all over yellow pallor of the skin and eyes.

Put to the test: “Loss of appetite and vomiting, swelling of the belly due to fluid accumulation, dark urine, blackish stool and pain in the right hand side of the abdomen could all foretell liver trouble. Experience any of these & you should see your doctor. Perform blood test and urine analysis. The biggest assasins are excessive alcohol and A, B, C strains of the hepatitis virus (either causing scar tissue or necrosis). But what you may not know is that “across the world, paracetamol overdose is the one of the main reason of live failure.”

Build to last: Much like dish-washer, your liver is susceptible to gathering up residue after all that toxin cleansing. “Saturated fats & cholesterol will forms layer of gall stones, which can eventually lead to blockage. This will leave you susceptible to infection.” To keep your liver lovely, lower your bad cholesterol, lose extra weight- this reduces fat around the liver, letting it work in peace – and maintain a low fat diet.

What it does: At the Oscars of performance and contribution to fitness, your heart will be pumping out fearful acceptance speeches every time. Its primary function is to send blood to lungs where it absorbs oxygen, before returning to the heart to be pumped around the body via arteries. All this pumping enables you to grind, be it on the dance floor or gym.

Put the test: If you have raised blood pressure, your heart is very likely at risk. If you have family history of heart problems, high blood pressure, cholesterol, ask your doctor to check out. Keep your home kit to check note blood pressure at home.

Build the Last: “Vigorous aerobic exercise for 30mins every day is heart saver. Regular aerobic activity will help carve a congestion free bus lane through any narrowing arteries. Whether it is running, swimming, or procreating, a fast pumping heart will enlarge existing blood channels. It can even provoke the growth of new ones known as arterial anastomosis, which becomes back route in times of high stress or in the event of clogged vessels. In short, more exercise means less cardiac arrest. A top food for strong hearts includes olive oil and carrots. It is the combination of polyphenol and anti-oxidant found in olive oil, that is thought to improve arterial blood flow, while another anti-oxidants, beta carotene, found abundance in carrots, can reduce blood levels of C-reactive protein(CRP) – a key factor in Cardio vascular disease.

What they do: These coffee-colored organs are like industrious mules that wash away toxins. “The kidneys are the body’s filtration system, regulating water loss, ridding your insides of waste products in the form of urine and supplying your arteries with a clean batch of red blood cells. They also release a hormone called calcitriol, a form of vitamin D, essential for maintaining bone calcium & enabling you to hit the weights room.

Put to the Test: A tape measure is the unlikely tool to help spot potential kidney problems. Bend down and wrap the tape around your ankles. Note their circumstance measurement, the whenever you are next barefoot, take a reading again. Essentially, you are looking for any deviation from the norm because when the kidneys pack up, you retain liquid around your ankles. Be sure to look at your urine, too. “Traces of blood in the bowl could mean your kidneys are inflamed, while a lurid yellow trail means that you are highly dehydrated.” Persistent back pain may indicate kidney stones.

Build to last: Drinking two litres of water per day is the best way to keep your kidneys flushed clean. Toward off stones, recommends a daily glass of black currant juice, research found that it raises the blood pH level of your urine – the higher alkaline content, the fever salt crystal builds up.

What they do:Real character of men and women are defined by it. Of course, their role in producing sperm and ovum gives their fundamental characteristic, but its testosterone, which is responsible for creating muscle mass, libido, mood, erectile function, hair distribution and bone density. Also LH, FSH, Estrogen and progesterone promotes and develops female reproductive structure. Prepare internal environment for fertility and making it more sperm friendly.

Put the Test: Some sign to check out his is turn in your libido, depression, lethargy, loss in muscle mass, and hair in upper part of body. Treatment will depend on cause.

Build to last: Cause may vary from genetic defect to use of medication. Avoid the usual suspects like putting on weight, smoking and drinking too much will help to maintain a healthy blood supply. For healthy boost eat handful of walnuts, peanuts or almonds every day. Daily porridge, oats are best.

Healthy Life with these SIX PACK.

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