Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stay healthy the Natural Way…!!!

Want to make greener, safer choices for a healthier Life? Here are host of natural, Eco-friendly ways to boost your well being.
For a rich conditioner, warm ½ cup of apricot kernel or sweet almond oil and massage it into your hair. Mayonnaise is an excellent deep conditioning treatment. Leave on your hair for up to one hour.
Disguise thinning hair- crack open an egg over your hair, massage then rinse. The extra protein will give your hair extra body.
Massage your scalp with apple juice- its natural fruits acids will help to get rid of dandruff.
Rub avocado which contains lecithin, into dry or damaged hair.

Steep chamomile tea bags in boiling water. When cool apply them in puffy eyes.
Reduce dark under-eye circles with compress or eyebath of eyebright (euphrasia available in some homeopathic outlets).
Soothes swollen eyelids with a mask of cooled mashed potato.

Gargle with cold black tea. The tannin in tea strengthens gums.
Fresh strawberries give your tooth whitening boost.
Treat mouth ulcer with gargling sweet root decoction.
Chew fennel seeds to beat bad breathe.
To fight plaque, mix a tsp of aloe Vera gel into warm water gargle.

These natural steps will revitalize your skin, enhancing the glow and smooth feel.
Remove dead skin cells by brushing your body with a loofah. Use gentle, circular strokes.
Smooth almond oil over your body for 15 min, then gently buff in water.
Soften any leathery, discolored skin by soaking cotton squares in lemon juice, and then massage them into your knees. Place your elbows in the pre-squeezed lemon. For 5 mins then rinse.
Treat rough, bumpy skin on the back of your arms and legs by spreading sour cream over the area for 10 mins, then rinse.
For dry, cracked hands combine two boiled and mashed potatoes with 1tbsp vegetable glycerin and enough milk to make paste. Massage into your hands leave for 5 mins and rinse.
For softer skin, put a handful of rice bran into a clean cut-off stocking, knot at the top, and drop it into the bath to release the vitamin-rich oils.

Smooth apricot kernel oil around your eyes to prevent wrinkling.
Restore your skin’s pH balance by dabbing on diluted apple cider vinegar.
Try aromatherapy oils such as geranium, chamomile, rose and sandalwood.
Apply moisturizer to slightly damp skin. It will spread more easily.

If you’re prone to cold sores, avoid eating nuts, seeds, and chocolate. They contain arginine, an amino acids that may trigger the problem.
When tingling starts hold an ice cube against the spot.

Use menthol based ointment to increase circulation- it spreads healing and reduces discoloration.
Apply an ice pack quickly- cooling constricts the blood vessels.
Those with low Vit C may bruise more easily so eat lots of citrus, green capsicum, kiwi fruit, spinach and broccoli.
If you can, avoid aspirin or antihypertensive drug-they may increase bruising.

Relieve a painful tooth by dabbing few drops of clove oil on or near it.
Soothe sinus pain by pressing your thumbs firmly on both side of your nose. Hold for 30seconds and repeat.
For urinary tract infection- drink cranberry juice- Cranberries contain chemicals that prevent bacteria from staying in the urinary tract.
If you have dry irritated skin, simply dip clean cloth in a little chilled milk and dab on the affected area.

Get involved- helping others will take your mind off your own troubles.
Voluntary work- picks a cause you’re passionate about, and match it to your skills and interests. Saving injured wildlife, monitor the environments.

Take a break during your work day with self help technique-
Place fingers on base of your neck, on either side of your spine. Press for 15mins, take a deep breathe in and out. Move your fingers 2cm outwards, and then repeat. Move your fingers another 2cm outwards and repeat.

Keep lives interesting- doing something new will give your mind a refreshing makeover:
Start an evening class. Learn something new. Turn off TV and go for long walk.

ENERGY REGENERATION- Though we cannot avoid stress, we can reduce its impact on our health. And we can restore equilibrium without any medical intervention or stimulants. These natural tips help to put the balance back.

Relaxation techniques-
Sitting Meditation
Meditation exerts a powerfully calming effect on the body as well as the mind, neutralizing stress, slowing the heart rate, lowering blood pressure and balancing brainwave patterns.
Foot massage-
In this soothing treatment, the combination of heat and small pressure points from the pebbles will stimulate and revitalize tired feet. Place smooth pebbles or marbles in the bottom of a large bowl, and cover with water as hot as you can bear. Add a couple of drops of lavender essential oil. Put your feet in the bowel and roll them back and forth over the pebbles, applying gentle pressure.

For a healthy source of nerve soothing minerals, snack on dried organic apricots. Sip on chamomile, valerian, lime flower or lemon balm tea.
Move vigorously. Aerobic activity, preferably outdoors, helps metabolize the stress hormones created when we’re angry or stressed.


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