Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ayurveda Diet

Its is imporatant to choose a suitable diet for balance, harmony and health in your life based on ayurvediy principles. Diet can play good role in healing and norishment and in maintaining health. Proper food .
The ayurvedic tradition offers much insight in to what food will suit and balance each individual, how to  prepare and cook  the food to avoid food combinations that will create  toxins in the body, and what eating habits  to cultivate and –which to avoid  in order to recievde most  nourishment  from what you eat.
’’ AYURVEDA greatly emphasises diet,  both for its direct effects on physiological state and on drug action. Proper digestion is essential for good health.
Ø  Avoid drinking milk with meat, fish , eggs, citrus fruits, radishes , tomatoes and alcoholic drinks, yoghurt. (As this are opposite in qualities  which creates toxinds in the body.)
Ø  Eat high protein and fat foods seperatly from light foods ( vegetables, starch)
Ø  Eat fresh fruits seperate from other meals.
Ø  Eat cooked and raw foods seperately.
General Guidelines :-
Ø  Eat only when hungry , at moderate pace , chewing food.
Ø  Eat freshly cooked meals . Eat fresh and Satvic food of the best quality  you can offord.
Ø  Interval  of 2-4 hrs between light meals and 4-6 hrs between heavy meals.
Ø  Fill one third of your stomach with food , one third with water ,  and Leave one-third  to tone quarter of the stomach empty for aiding digestion.
Ø  During meals , dont drink iced drinks  or fruits juice, sip a little warm water between mouthfuls of food.
Ø  Choose food according to your  body constitution. It will nourish you and will not aggrevate your body componenet ( DOSHAS )
Ø  Choose food according to season .
Ø  When eating eat . That is dont  read , watch TV, or be distracted too much conversation. Focus on the food.
Ø  Honey should never be cooked . If it is cooked , the molecules becomes like a glue that adheres to mucus membranes and clogs the subltle channels, producing toxins.
Unheathy Eating habits :-
Ø  Overeating, eating too soon after a full meal.
Ø  Drinking too much water, or no water during meal. Drinking chilled water during a meal, or indeed at any time.
Ø  Eating at the wrong time of the day, either too early  or too late.
Ø  Eating too much heavy food or too little light food.
Ø  Eating fruit or drinking fruit juice with a meal.
Ø  Eating without real hunger. Emotional eating.

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