Saturday, August 14, 2010

Skin care for ACNE...

“By the time people reach adulthood, they really don't want to have acne. In adolescence, everybody seems to have acne.”

      Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder characterized by pimples, black heads, and white heads. Acne has become the most commonly treated skin abnormality. Perhaps modern lifestyles contribute to this change in statistics; it is not merely cosmetic problem. An emotional stress that can have strong impact on one’s self esteem.

     Acne often arises at puberty, when the body dramatically increases its production of androgens (male sex hormone). These hormones stimulate the production of keratin (a type of protein) & sebum (an oily skin lubricant). If sebum is secreted faster than it can move through pores, a blemish arises. The excess oil makes pore sticky, allowing bacteria to trap inside. Blackheads forms when sebum combines with skin pigments plug the pores. If scales below the surface of skin become filled with sebum, whitehead appears. In severe cases it ruptures & eventually spreads the inflammation.
Many women suffer from premenstrual acne flare ups, by the release of progesterone after ovulation. Oral contraceptives high in progesterone can cause break out through. The presences of candidiasis also cause hormonal changes that encourage liver to produce wrong substances for healthy sebum.
Factors that contribute to acne:-
• Hereditary
• Oily skin
• Hormonal imbalances
• Monthly menstruation cycle
• Candidiasis
• Allergies
• Stress & use of certain types of drugs such as steroids, lithium, OC, some anti-epileptic drug.
• Nutritional deficiency, diet high in saturated fat, hydrogenated fats, & animal products can also be involved.
• Exposure to pollutants, environmental factors.

The skin is the largest organ of the body. One of its functions is to eliminate a portion of body’s toxic waste products through sweating. If the body contains more toxins than the kidneys and liver can effectively discharge. As toxin escapes through the skin, the skin’s healthy integrity is disrupted. The skin also breathes, if pore becomes clogged, the microbes that are involved causing acne flourish.

• Eat high fiber diet. This is important for keeping the colon clean & ridding the body of toxins.
• Eat more fresh food almonds, beets, vege’s, etc. Eat fresh fruits, certain foods are tonic as Grapes, strawberries & pineapples are rich in alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). These acids helps to exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells that can clog the oil glands.
• Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
• Avoid alcohol, butter, caffeine, cheese, chocolate, carbonated drinks, cream, fat, hot & spicy food, hydrogenated oil, shortenings, margarine, meat, poultry.
• Try eliminating dairy products from your food. Avoid all forms of sugar.
• Eliminate all processed foods from the diet, this contain less enzymes. Follow a fasting programme. Use cleansing enemas to promote faster healing.
• Keep the affected area as free of oil as possible. Shampoo your hair use natural soap. Wash your skin gently, never rub hard. Over washing, vigorous scrubbing can makes acne worse by over stimulating sebaceous gland, causing them to produce excess amounts of sebum.
• Avoid using make, only natural, water based products, do not use any oil based formulas. Wash & dip applicator brushes and sponges, after each use avoid contamination.
• Keep your hairs away from face to prevent excess oil being deposited on the skin.
• As much as possible, avoid stress. Stress can promote hormonal changes & cause flare ups.
• Do not squeeze the spots. It is risk of inflammation.
       In Ayurveda perspective acne are termed as YuvanPidaka. Vata and Kapha , Bhrajak pitta, are main doshas, which are involved in eruption of acne and pimples. Rakta dhatu or blood also plays an important role in formation of acne.
      Vata when gets vitiated due to unhealthy diet and lifestyles affects other two doshas (kapha and pitta) to aggravate them. Aggravated pitta affects rakta dhatu or blood. The vitiated blood affects the skin and causes excess secretion of oil from sebaceous glands. Kapha has sticky property. The aggravated kapha imparts the stickiness to the oil produced by sebaceous glands of skin. Thus the thick sebaceous plugs are formed in skin pores and hair follicles leading to eruption of acne.
• Burdock root, dandelion leaves, milk thistle, & red clover are good for acne. They are powerful blood cleanser. Milk thistle aids the liver in the cleansing the blood. Neem etc herbs are also benificial.
• Paste made from one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and turmeric mixed with milk,
is very good. A paste of nutmeg and water is also beneficial.
• Half a cup of Aloe Vera pulp can be taken internally (Do not take internally if pregnant) or
applied externally to the skin. It should be taken for twice a day.
• Before going to bed, wash the face thoroughly and then apply a paste of 1 tsp coriander juice
mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder.
• For pimples, apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Remove after one hour.
• A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves is to be applied and washed off with warm water before
going to bed. This prevents pimples.
• There are different herbal packs can be used to treat acne with internal medicine depend on type of acne.
          “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”

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